Galera SST Manually


State Snapshot Transfer

Copying data files directly Concept.
This requires that the receiving server is initialized after the transfer. xtrabackup, and other methods fall into this category. These methods are much faster than mysqldump, but they have certain limitations. For example, they can be used only on server startup and the receiving server must be configured very similarly to the donor (e.g. innodb_file_per_table should be the same and so on). Some of these methods (e.g. xtrabackup) can be potentially made non-blocking on the donor. Such methods are supported via a scriptable interface.

How to copying data files directly.

on donor server
1. create backup

innobackupex –user=user –password=password –no-timestamp /data/backups/new_backup
innobackupex –apply-log /data/backups/new_backup

2. transfer backup to crashed server

on crashed server

1. untar backup file

tar xvfz /download/backup.tar.gz

2. back up /var/lib/mysql on crash server

mkdir -p /home/crashed
mv /var/lib/mysql/* /home/crashed

3. restore backup

innobackupex –copy-back /data/backups/new_backup/

4. finally, copy grastate.dat to /var/lib/mysql and edit state to 0

mv /data/backups/new_backup/grastate.dat /var/lib/mysql
vi  grastate.dat
safe_to_bootstrap: 0

6. Start server

/etc/init.d/mysql start